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The Abundant Sisterhood Autumn Equinox Opening Circle Women's Retreat Ozark Mountains Missouri
The Abundant Sisterhood is but a branch beneath the company tree that is
The Conscious Living Community LLC. The CLC was founded by Megan B., Lacey J., and Shalako LaLoba in June 2018 with the vision of uniting people from all backgrounds and places throughout the world in a sacred space. A place that allowed women and men to grow spiritually, emotionally, creatively, socially - and to leave our events not only feeling renewed and reconnected to what it truly means to exist as a human BEing, but also with a sense of family you probably never knew existed... A tribe that unequivocally celebrates every single bit of all that is YOU, people that just “get it”. We strive towards making sustainable and eco friendly choices whenever possible - always a “no trace left behind” community, and we have zero tolerance for judgment, shaming, discrimination, sexism, or any other belief that belittles or harms another human being. We celebrate love and free will, and we know that the world is a better place when we strive to coexist in harmony by consciously living our lives to the fullest and encouraging others to do the same.
Meet Your Event Hosts




The Abundant Sisterhood Women's Retreat Ozark Mountains Missouri
The Abundant Sisterhood Women's Retreat Ozark Mountains Missouri




Lacey Jasper helped dream up and create The Abundant Sisterhood along side us in 2018. We couldn't have done it without her support and dedication to building the sisterhood. After two years, she made the difficult decision to step away from The Abundant Sisterhood so that she could focus on her yoga dreams. We were blessed to have her by our side in the beginning and supported her decision to follow her heart into alignment. She has continued to support The Abundant Sisterhood by holding sacred space for our sisters during her topless yoga workshop - Bare, Beautiful, Bold.
We love you dearly, Lacey!
Thank you for your continued love & support.

  If you would like to support her endeavors, you can find her on Instagram @laceyjasper

The Abundant Sisterhood Women's Retreat Ozark Mountains Missouri
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